Friday, November 21, 2008

One of those days...

Do you ever have one of those days where you wake up and it seems like the smallest thing can go wrong, sending you running through the streets, wild-eyed and bloodthirsty?  

Yeah.  Welcome to Friday.  And this is supposed to be a GREAT day.  I've got nowhere to be until 11 a.m. and all my plans for the day end at 5:00.  I feel like a beneficiary of the bailout.  And yet, this morning I wake to find no oatmeal in the house and I'm ready to turn my apartment into a crime scene.  

I'm pretty sure this is the product of deeper, underlying issues including, but not limited to:

*A sluggish economy (my refusal to use the word "recession" is probably naive and/or a sign of denial)
*A broken toe
*A barely-there audition scene
*Another week of food service

I'm hoping a shave, shower, and a nice breakfast (WITHOUT outmeal) will put me in better spirits.

*limps over to refrigerator*  

NO MILK!  Son of a ...

Watch the headlines for a man clad only in Superman pajama pants and an orthopedic boot running through Queens, eyes rolling, tongue lolling, grocery money in hand.  Supes got no pockets.  


Lianne said...

I am sooo picturing this. I think you need to include knocking down little old ladies and tipping over a hot dog vendor's cart as you wildly roam the streets in search of some Quaker oats.

Wilford Brimley feels your pain.

Nessa said...

Broken toe????

Temple said...

I am so with you on this... I had already put the splenda in the coffee cup, poured the coffee and then realized I had NO MILK in the house this morning! So, I did the adult thing and just stood in the kitchen cursing like the sailor's daughter that I didn't make milk magically appear, but I'm sure it helped in some way.

What did you do to your toe?!?!?!